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We all know that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of rubber and plastic tube directly affect the insulation rubber and plastic pipe heat preservation effect, so also is why insulation rubber tube in testing the different coefficient of thermal conductivity, here are the most professional manufacturers of rubber and plastic pipe for your detailed introduction of influence coefficient of thermal conductivity of rubber and plastic tubes.



Rubber and plastic pipe influence rubber and plastic coefficient of thermal conductivity is mainly embodied in two aspects


A, rubber and plastic pipe, in the production of the original rubber and plastic pipe is known to all the main raw material is nitrile butadiene rubber and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), you may not know, here some rubber and plastic pipe manufacturers in the production process of incorporating in recycled rubber plate or recycled rubber and plastic pipe from the new process to produce new rubber and plastic products, with this kind of recycled material to product was high coefficient of thermal conductivity is quite a lot, because of nitrile rubber and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) original molecules has been destroyed, and seemingly density is very high, but the actual heat preservation effect is not good.


Second, the density of the rubber and plastic pipe size also influences the thermal conductivity of rubber and plastic pipe, according to the requirements of the state of rubber and plastic pipe density shall be not less than 45 kg/m3, but a lot of rubber and plastic pipe manufacturer to control the density around 40 kg/m3, because the density of the rubber tube can not reach the designated by the state coefficient of thermal conductivity.


3, rubber and plastic heat preservation material: obturator structure with minimal water vapor permeability (wet resistance factor of 10000 or above) to maintain low coefficient of thermal conductivity for a long time.


Heating, air conditioning pipe heat preservation material performance comparison table


Rubber plate application more and more widely, but there are many consumers do not know how to discern the stand or fall of quality of rubber and plastic plate, today small make up science comes to talk to you about how to identify the quality of the rubber plate, allowing you to buy cost-effective rubber plate.


Rubber insulation board of main material is composed of dingjing rubber, rubber board manufacturer making are introduced from abroad advanced production technology, has the scientific process, is the production line fully automatic. Its process is very complex is made after foaming and. Rubber insulation board can be outstanding in the insulation board, it is a kind of high-grade thermal insulation boards. Rubber insulation board is soft, is a kind of soft heat preservation material.


Whether it's cold media pipeline or heat medium pipes, are applicable. Rubber insulation board is the structure of the seal mode, the characteristic of it let him put the water vapor can show off with it. If the surface of the rubber insulation board was accidentally scratch, actually it doesn't matter, still can guarantee the products of good quality, because the rubber insulation board isolation characteristics of water vapor, can have a very good protection effect on surface, although some scratches also does not affect its performance of steam trap.


Rubber and plastic insulation board, although high quality, is worthy of the name insulation board in the high-end products, but its price is not expensive, because it is full automatic production, so it reduces the cost, enhance the profit space.


Finally, fu jia, as the top of the heat preservation material industry, the future will be more efforts to develop more excellent quality, good price cheaper products.




一、查看橡塑板的外觀質量。首先看橡塑板的色澤,本色橡塑板色澤金黃色,通體透亮,碳化橡塑板是古銅色或褐色,顏色均勻而有光澤感。具有中等硬 度,耐酸、堿性能。可在溫度為-30~+60oC之間20%的酸(堿)液體中工作。

First, examine the appearance quality of rubber and plastic plate. First look at the colour and lustre of rubber and plastic plate, color rubber plate color golden, lit, carbide rubber plate is tan or brown, even color and luster. Medium hard degree, acid and alkaline can. In the temperature of 30 ~ + 60 oc between 20% acid (alkali) in the liquid.


Second, check the paint quality of rubber and plastic plate. Put the floor at the light, see the surface bubbles, pitting, orange peel phenomenon, then look at the paint is rich, full, level off. On the pressure plate surface plating in purple, for example, a high pressure plate for sale. So, when buying besides check the appearance quality, the main determination of tensile strength is a can.


Three, the immanent quality of rubber and plastic board first to see material available hand and eye view, if the floor in my hand is lighter, insulating rubber sheet indicates the NenZhu; If the eye view its texture, this bamboo is not fresh, bamboo is older. Nitrile rubber has excellent resistance to fuel oil and aromatic solvents, such as performance, but not resistant to ketones, esters and chlorinated hydrocarbon, such as medium, so the oil seal products mainly adopts the nitrile rubber.


Four, see the structure of the rubber plate is symmetrical balance from the ends of the rubber plate section, is in line with the principle of symmetrical balance, if accord with stable structure.


Five, see whether the floor of the rubber plate layer and interlayer bonding closely with both hands to break off, whether will be layered. Silicone rubber has the outstanding high and low temperature resistant, resistant to ozone and weather aging resistance, in - the working temperature of 70 ℃ ~ + 260 ℃ can keep its unique use of elastic and ozone resistance, weather resistance and other a bit, suitalbe for making hot mechanism of the gasket, such as strong light source lamp shade seal ring gasket, valve pad, etc.



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